Who am I?

My name is Christina Yun, and I am a frontend developer based in Toronto. In my free time, I continue my studies in JavaScript, learn backend and AWS. My goal is to write useful apps and continue making beautiful websites while expanding my knowledge in software engineering.

What am I passionate about?

I am amazed by how fast frontend technologies have evolved in the past year. I have witnessed an outpouring of new updates, tutorials, and articles on the internet. In keeping up with the latest industry standards, I have found that being a frontend developer is a never-ending learning journey. It feels incredibly good to learn something new each day.

I am passionate about bridging the gap between the design & engineering when creating world-class products that have lasting impact. I also enjoy being surrounded by people who are just as eager to learn from me, as I am from them.

What's in my toolbox?

  • JavaScript, Typescript
  • React, Gatsby, Context API, Redux
  • Vue, Vuex
  • CSS, SCSS, Styled-Components, TailwindCSS
  • Framer motion
  • Node, Express, NestJS
  • HTML
  • SQL
  • GraphQL
  • Jest, React Testing Library
  • Git
  • Storybook
  • Hasura
  • Headless CMS (Wordpress, Stripe)

Anything else?

When I'm not programming, you'll find me walking my dogs or hiking in the woods. On weekends, you can catch me at a Vietnamese restaurant enjoying Bánh mì and Bún bò huế.